Core Energetics
Core Energetics is an evolutionary approach in the field of psychosomatics and mental health in that it takes into account the entirety of individuals and their lives. Instead of focusing on symptom relief, and/ or behavioral change- Core Energetics emphasizes the importance of gaining awareness of root causes, limiting beliefs, developmental trauma, and character defenses that are prohibiting human evolution and growth. It leans toward an “evolutionary” approach because humans are creative beings, who are designed to live out purpose and sometimes that creativity or inherited creative nature can get stuck, stagnated, buried etc when there is patterned character defense due to trauma, mental illness, disease etc.
Created by John Pierrakos in the late 70s, he saw benefits in bioenergetics and body based approaches to expression by understanding the importance of grounding and feeling when approaching deeper wounding and trauma. By understanding the mechanisms behind being grounded gives people safer opportunity to explore unmet areas inside of them; often painful experiences that the body has been suppressing. Sometimes these experiences show themselves through memory recognition, dreams, new awarenesses and fear responses.
Core Energetics is based on the idea that our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are all interconnected and that psychological issues can manifest as physical tensions and blockages in the body. The work aims to help individuals release these tensions and access their core energy, which is seen as the source of their creativity, intuition, and vitality.
Functional Patterns
Functional Patterns and the field of biomechanics is an approach that views the entire body as a way to not only manage pain but to correct the patterns that are causing it.
Due to sedentary, gravitational lifestyles, certain asymmetries begin to show up in our bodies as we age. As a way to cope or to defend itself, the body then relies on other “stronger” areas in the body to support and move itself and internally stops using certain muscle groups that can go dormant or unused. Usually what pursues is an onset of symptoms like low back, knee, nerve damage and neck pain. (Obviously others can arise too)
By addressing the whole body as a system, vs looking at symptomatic locations we are able to not only address acute pain happening right now, but it will prevent your body from falling into the same patterns you walked in with.
This method focuses on training human bodies the breakdowns of walking, running, throwing and standing. (Functional Patterns calls this the big 4). Since these are the main movements humans do on a day to day basis. Gait correctional exercises can be broken down to lunges/ hinges and progress all the way up to getting the femur bone in the hip socket to flex and extend properly.
Over time the repeated postures we take on subconsciously begin to transform our muscles to hold our bodies in these shapes. Certain muscles or fascial groups will start to over-extend in some areas and over-contract in others. Then when we “straighten up” or come out of these shapes, the body usually has a harder time finding what once used to be homeostasis.
Functional Patterns is a modality created in the early 2000s that addresses postural issues like scoliosis, tilted pelvis, knee issues and much more by taking a systems approach when looking at pain. If one thing is off in your gait mechanics, it sets off a chain of reactions throughout your whole body. Rather than taking a symptom approach to pain, we look at how the design and get to the root cause of the issue.
Designed for Everyone
This system is designed for all ages. Whether you feel the aging process or want to build on your athleticism this modality benefits all ages and ranges. Clients range from 10 years old to 80 years old.